Thread: Did Carl know?
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Old Wed Nov 30, 2005, 07:05am
WhatWuzThatBlue WhatWuzThatBlue is offline
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You weren't the only one that thought he was none too subtle with that tidbit. I laughed it off like most of his attempts to discourage, dissuade or dodge. [Hey 3 Ds...that means you can still play football for Miami!]

Who cares who authored the test [or that he didn't structure it in a Carl approved fashion]? That question and answers were similar to what you see a couple times a year on a Fed test and at least once on the annual NCAA examination. It's frustrating but that's umpiring.

How long before we see an 1,800 word article on this exercise in futility? Third world plays don't ruin careers. Most veterans have had a head scratcher or two. Second guessing the guy making the call is part of our nature. We've done it with the WS, CWS, LLWS and local rec games. You can spend a lifetime preparing for one of these but that is a waste of time. Worry about the bread and butter calls - those make and break careers!
"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.
You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.
~Naguib Mahfouz
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