God....there are a lot of things wrong with this post. First, to Num33......if you are a Post Player you can only "regress" to a 2 or 3. Post Players are the kings of roundball. 2's and 3's were invented by Dr. Neismith just to get us the ball.
Second, don't hit the Weight Room. See a good shrink instead. What you need to do to be a Pivot Man is lose your conscience. Just think.....black hole.....black hole.....
Post play is all about getting a stride's distance from the defender. You contact him just before the inbounding throw is made. Then it's a BIG junp step to meet the ball and gain distance from him. You land on the foot opposite your shooting hand and pivot on the catch. Did I mention you ALWAYS ALWAYS shoot it?
Remember, if you are guarded by a taller player that you can fake the turnaround take a step on your non-pivot foot, raise your pivot foot and throw in a nice throw-back scoop shot. (I'm getting tears in my eyes thinking about it.) I loved watching those big freaks fly by my right shoulder with that dumb look on their faces. Just don't mess up by passing it back out to a lousey 2 or 3.
Serously, trying to wedge the defender and have the ball come into you seldom works. It just attracts secondary defenders like the nasty fruitflies they truly are.