Diamond Gal,
Two years ago I had my sixth knee surgery. I've had four on my right knee from a severe football injury, and two on my left knee due to a fall I took from an elevated platform on a transformer bank.
I'm in my early 40's and am now starting to feel the effects of osteoarthritis in both knees. I looked into a newer procedure where the fluid is drained from the knee and a fluid is injected into the knee joint. The medication(or fluid) is known as Synvisk(sp?) I had it injected into both knees prior to the start of last season. It's effects have lasted for seven months now. I'm just now starting to feel some of the more severe pain returning. You may want to ask your doctor about this.
This site has some decent information on knee pain. One of the things I found most interesting on the site, was the fact that one can have a genetic pre-disposition to osteoarthritis.
Take the time and check it out. You may find some answers there.