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Old Thu Nov 24, 2005, 03:35pm
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by Snake~eyes
That's not the mechanics,...
Is it a meachanic to talk a player out of the lane?

Is it a mechanic to bark at two players battling in the post?

Is it a mechanic to blow your whistle at the end of the quarter?

Is it a mechanic to warn a player to put his shirt tail end?

Is it a mechanic to wave through the sideline plane to warn a defender not to break the plane?

There are plenty of prevetive measures that we take "that's not the mechanics."
Let's face it, many officials are restricted by supervisors/assignors who have the power to take games away if officials don't follow "mechanics." Those officials should do what they're told. I've lived in places like that before.

I am free to ask myself "does a whistle benefit the game?" I think it does. Where did I start doing this? At an NCAA-W camp I attended 3 years ago. I kept this once the HS season started. I think it grabs everyone's attention the way nothing else can.
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