I will offer the following:
1) Jim Evans and crew will tell all candidates to finish college first if it is the critical issue in deciding to go to camp. They have done this for years. One of the regular posters here son went to an Evans 5 day camp and asked the same question.
This 20 year old had been working high school varsity baseball since he was 16 years old and is a playoff level umpire at 19 and 20 years old.
They told him to finish school as there would still be plenty of time for a professional umpiring career.
2) This year "may" be the most difficult year at school. No one yet understands the entire impact of the elimination of several minor leagues and fall schedules. While all umpires have been rehired (or not) there is still major shakeout on defining just how many umpires will get shots after this winter's schools.
This is a real good year to take a step back, go back to college and then work on the critical skills that can get you a job (see: "Acadamy Timing").