Ummmmm Steve,
Pete did say he had a law degree and that he taught pre-law.
On to the association issue.
For those of you that work games in an asociation that will not assign at least a two man crew:
I now have a better understanding of where you're coming from. I still don't understand why you took my opinions so personal.
I said nothing insulting about your particular association, it's members or yourself. My comments were, and still are my opinion on what I feel is not a good policy.
If you feel it's a good policy then that's your right. I have the right to feel otherwise. Because I disagree with President Bush's policies, does not mean I'm insulting you when I say he's an idiot, does it?
None of you have said that you feel rookies working solo is a good policy. You've only said that's what your stuck with for various reasons. Have you ever considered discussing this with the officers of your association? You may find out they feel the way I do, but are simply unable to effect change.