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Old Sun Nov 20, 2005, 10:31pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Location: Spokane, WA
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Old WCB wrote:

I read your earlier post and understand what you wrote. You are correct that you won't convince me to change my stance on VO. Your mockery of Pete was expected. He made a grammatical mistake and you jumped all over it. Check out what I wrote to TAC, it applies equally to you. You must be a legendary umpire in your parts. I would love to see the umpire who never makes mistakes at work. When is your next game?

You are making assumptions again. I never claimed to work perfectly. You are welcome to my next game, tomorrow evening 6:30 in Spokane Valley, Mens Adult Rec Basketball. I'll be the referee in two man mechanics.

Now, did I jump "Pete of AZ" for a glaring grammatical error? Yes, I did. But think for a moment. Have you seen me jump you for such an error? (Yes, you have made some.) Do you see me jump at every such error? "No", you'd say if you were being honest.

Here's an excellent example: when was the last time you saw me correct or point out an error in one of Jeff's posts? Can't name a time, can you? Why? Jeff is not pretending, or claiming, to be a college level educator.

I jumped at Pete's error only because he was making such a big deal about his education and his alleged occupation of teaching. It was like the old bowing alley, he set the five pin up; I just picked up the spare. Just as you like to go after Tee for his arrogance, I enjoy deflating the false pompousness of the allegedly over-educated.


You've now experienced the best they have to offer. BigUmp56 and SanDiegoSteve are one trick ponies. Where one stops, the other starts; it is often difficult to see where. TAC actually knows his stuff but he is somehow relegating himself to criticizing writing skills. It's a sad turn of events. Garth is Garth; I actually like seeing him take a stance and committing himself to the battle. He has had more than a few run ins with Carl and can hold his own. I'm not sure why he has jumped on the Grammar Police bandwagon either. Usually that is a last resort for those who can't debate and he can.

Thanks for the compliment. I really take stands more often than people think. However, as I have aged, I do so less emotionally and endter into fewer arguments than I used to.

It was a mistake to divulge your career. Some of these guys are filled with contempt for anyone who has achieved more than themselves. I'm not a fan of attorneys but applaud anyone who teaches.

I have no contempt for real attorneys, anyone with the ambition to get an education or those who excell in life. But it is so easy to claim something on the internet and get away with it. Here, watch: I am an attorney.

See how easy that was? Heck, and I even post my real ID, not some candy-a$$ anonymous pen name like "Pete in AZ" or well, you know.

Watch, I'll do it again: "I'm a superior court judge."

Wow. I'm good.

No, Petey will have to do better than terrible posts and unconvincing arguments to sell himself as an attorney and a "pre-law" teacher. BTW, most pre-law educators I know are professors or adjunct professors or instructors, not teachers, but they might do things differently in AZ.

Any way, thanks again for the kind words. I'm sorry for your misunderstandings. I hoped we've cleared things up.

To recap: No, I'm not perfect. You've made some incorrect assumptions. Pete still walks like a duck and my next game is tomorrow night. Bring some beer.

[Edited by GarthB on Nov 20th, 2005 at 10:57 PM]