Originally posted by BigUmp56
I would call you a name regarding your screen name as well, but it would probably just seem like a compliment to you.
You go ahead and keep working solo as a newbie umpire. Soon you'll understand why doing it is not such a good idea.
After you've been beaten like a rented mule for a while because you cannot possibly be in a position to make all the calls correctly, you'll change your tune.
I look at an association the same way I look at my union. It was not started out with the best conditions available to it's members, but with time and hard work, it enacted change for it's members through leverage. Control the workforce, control the conditions.
Sometimes a man has to stand up and fight for what he believes in.
As you grow more mature, you'll understand that one too.
One can only imagine which crevice these thoughts eked from. Just a few days ago, your pontificating drew the wrath of those who feel slighted by your comments about single man games. You alleged that rookies should never work alone, associations should demand at least two umpires for every game and those that don't have "no jewels". As you grow and mature, you'll understand how stupid these comments make you look. I've witnessed some awful two man games and even more ridiculous three man contests. Having a useless veteran out there will only make the rookie worse. I've also found that a rookie usually does things by the book and knows what he is supposed to do. Umpires like you think that they know it all because they have been at it for a few years. How many years have you been umpiring High School Varsity baseball? How many years have you been calling NCAA games?
You are an internet umpire; a very bad one at that. You want to play by the rules of the other site but then claim to be above it all. You claim that I am condescending because you have an inferiority complex. Start practicing what you preach. I can cite dozens of examples of your being a "disruptor", in the terms of the agreement page. You and SDS might also want to check the part about posting copyrighted pictures or works not owned by The Official Forum. This is not ebay.
You have sunk into the mire. Must I remind you that you have posted about challenging the veracity of an opinion rather than the grammar and spelling used? Maybe you could write a column about flip flopping when it suits your needs. I'm sure it won't require much editing.
I read your earlier post and understand what you wrote. You are correct that you won't convince me to change my stance on VO. Your mockery of Pete was expected. He made a grammatical mistake and you jumped all over it. Check out what I wrote to TAC, it applies equally to you. You must be a legendary umpire in your parts. I would love to see the umpire who never makes mistakes at work. When is your next game?
You've now experienced the best they have to offer. BigUmp56 and SanDiegoSteve are one trick ponies. Where one stops, the other starts; it is often difficult to see where. TAC actually knows his stuff but he is somehow relegating himself to criticizing writing skills. It's a sad turn of events. Garth is Garth; I actually like seeing him take a stance and committing himself to the battle. He has had more than a few run ins with Carl and can hold his own. I'm not sure why he has jumped on the Grammar Police bandwagon either. Usually that is a last resort for those who can't debate and he can.
It was a mistake to divulge your career. Some of these guys are filled with contempt for anyone who has achieved more than themselves. I'm not a fan of attorneys but applaud anyone who teaches. I thank you for attempting to come to my aid, but I have found that guys like BigUmp56 and SanDiegoSteve would argue with God at the Pearly Gates. It makes little sense to try to make them better, since they already believe that they are more skilled than some of the MLB pros they see.
Finally, I have been umpiring High School and College ball for just over twenty eight years. I started calling balls and strikes for youth leagues while in high school and have added that on the total on occassion. Those were my mistake filled years, as I had no formal training back then. I apologize for the confusion, I wasn't aware I had a new stalker.