Originally posted by LDUB
How old are the players in the Pony league? 13, 14 or so right?
So you know the players of these random teams well enough to call them by name when you eject them?
You like calling him safe and ejecting him over calling him out?
Say bottom of last inning, score is tied. Marcus is R3, and is trying to score after a caught fly ball to the outfield. F2 gets the ball well before Marcus is there. Marcus knows he will be out, his only chance is to plow over the catcher. He knocks the catcher over, is called safe and ejected. Who knows how bad the catcher got hurt.
In your Pony game, he is safe and ejected, but the game is over. So there is actually no penalty at all. In the Federation game, he is out, the run doesn't score. Shouldn't that be the way it is? How can you reward someone for running over the catcher?
Playing Devils Advocate, (God help us if this causes him to return to the board) look at it this way: since the offense - taking out the catcher - occurred after the runner safely, and without committing an offense, reached home, why should the run be taken away? Punish the offender for the offense and when the offense was committed.