Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
BASE ON BALLS: Remove the words “without the liability ot be put out and is awarded to a batter by the umpire.” Should read “A base on balls permits a batter to gain first base when four pitches are judged by the umpire to be out of the strike zone.” Comment: As of yet, the NUS is debating the official interpretation on whether a BR can be called out for interference if there is no play at first and is hit by a thrown ball outside the 3’ lane when applicable.
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Change 6.1.D to read: “The pitcher must not simulate a legal pitch while not in contact with the pitcher’s plate.”
Presumably, SP Only?
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
“Whenever a play is being made on a batter-runner advancing to first base,” COMMENT: Requires the BR to use colored portion of 1B any time there is a play being made at that base, not just when the play is made by an infielder.
After over-running 1B, the runner may now return to either portion of the base.
Anytime a runner is returning to 1B, s/he may use either portion of the base.
When tagging up on a fly ball, the runner may start on either portion of the base.
COMMENT: With the exception of a BR touching 1B when a play is being made on said BR at 1B, the runner may use either portion of the base.
OK - that is a simplification, but it does seem to give an advantage to the offense and seems to deviate from the alleged safety purpose of the rule. What about the defense? Can the defensive player now use the orange base for a live ball appeal (for example)?