Re: Re: Well WCB....
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1) In many parts of the country, one umpire may be all that is available or budgeted. Rookies get the bottom of the barrel stuff as well as some nice treats. I've lived in places that had players moving farm equipment from the outfield just before the game. Those rookies were the only thing that allowed the game to happen.
I thought we were discussing sanctioned baseball games here Windy. I had no idea you were talking about pick up games in the middle of a farm. I would imagine that yes, it would be hard to be a rookie working a non sanctioned game for a bunch of pick up players.
2) I'd just rather not call the verbal obstruction in the first place. I am one of those picky umpires that likes to see the rule in writing before enforcing it.
You know where you can read the interpretation of this rule, you simply choose to dismiss it due to your personal beliefs.
3) I have called balks that required a chapter and verse to a manager with a degree in moronics. I've called it and had the guy come out to ask me to show him what the guy did wrong. Instead of acting like Marcel Marceau, I tell him what it was and if he wants to look up x-y-z, he can do it after the game is restarted. It shuts them up quickly when the guy in dark blue polyester knows what he's saying. Maybe you can't pull it off yet, but trust me, it works.,
You start out here by saying that you explain balks by chapter and verse. You finish this paragraph by saying you tell the manager what the pitcher did and to look up x-y-z.
Which is it? Do you explain it chapter and verse, or do you tell him to look it up?
4)Sometimes a simple look replaces a five minute rookie conversation.
Here again Windy, which is it? Should a rookie umpire just give a simple look, or should he give a five minute discertation on the rules? You said earlier that a rookie had better be able to explain himself and what rule he's enforcing. Now you are saying that a simple look will suffice.
Stop speaking in generalities
I pulled this little gem out of your post to remind you respectfully *NOT* to tell me what to say, or how to say it!
[Edited by BigUmp56 on Nov 18th, 2005 at 11:30 AM]