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Old Fri Nov 18, 2005, 07:31am
BigUmp56 BigUmp56 is offline
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Well WCB....

Since you've once againg taken exception to one of my comments, let me be the one to reply.

No rookie umpire, or experienced umpire should have to worry about being able to quote rules to a manager. He shouldn't be on the diamond without an experienced partner. That's one of the reasons we allow conferences, so that we can put at least one more head into the mix to sort things out, away from the manager.

What rules are we talking about here anyway? You're stuck on the newsletter and it's interpretation of verbal obstruction and there's a simple solution to that discussion any way.

You just tell the coach that obstruction can be either physical or verbal, and that it was verbal obstruction in your judgement. End of conversation. If he files a protest, you can write it up the way you called it, and let the protest committee decide.

You brought up being able to quote balks. What do you do, cite the rule by number? I doubt even your arrogance would allow that to happen. Let's say a pitcher does not come set before delivering the ball. Are you going to cite the rule by number, or just tell the manager the pitcher didn't come set, and he can't do that.

I'll explain my calls to a point, but if the manager want's to know where it is in the rules, I'm not doing his work for him. He can look it up on his own after we get the game going, or he can lodge a protest. Either way is fine with me as to how he proceeds.

I only have 15 years experience umpiring and probably only 800-900 games. I'm sure that would make me a rookie compared to you, but in all those games. I've never had a protest upheld.
