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Old Fri Nov 18, 2005, 04:57am
TXMike TXMike is offline
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Originally posted by PSU213
Originally posted by Theisey
Round (disc shaped) bags mandated? Don't these people have anything better to do. How about mandating learning how and when to use a bag.

I've never heard of anyone being hit in the eye with a bean bag. Secondly, if officials are tossing bags into players facemask area they are the ones who need to have the bag taken away from. Drop the darn thing and stop throwing it.

I drives me up the goal post every time I see the Umpire or the Referee toss a bag into the line because the QB/snapper exchange was mishandled.
Why! there is no need to bag this spot. It's not a fumble. Learn when to drop a bag and when not too. It's like learning any rule.. you have to study them.

Accuracy is moot, all one needs is the approximate yard line for situations where a bag is needed?
Flying discs, er I mean bean bags are not needed.
I second that.
Megadittos!!! Putting the bag down at the wrong time demonstartes either you do not know exactly what you are doing or else you "saw" something inaccurately. Some guys argue it away by saying, "Well there is nothing wrong with just being sure" BS. You don't know what you are doing.

While we are on this..why do Fed guys bag the spot where a pass is intercepted?
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