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Old Thu Nov 17, 2005, 10:57am
WestMichBlue WestMichBlue is offline
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Curious how you would handle the calls when the umpire calling obstruction does not have the end of the play.

R1 on 2B, hard hit ball through the middle to the left of 2B. F6 goes towards 2B, R1 goes towards 3B; they collide and go down.

BU judges that F6 had no play on the ball, thus left arm goes out. Now what?

In normal 2-man with the ball now in the outfield, BU should come inside and take the B-R. PU should have the play at 3B or Home, depending on the throw from the outfield.

In our play, R1 gets up and continues to 3B; F8 throws to F5 in time to retire R1. Does the PU call the out? Or (having seen his partner’s arm out) does PU call Time and award the obstruction? Then the BU determines where to place the B-R based on where she was (between 1B and 2B) when time was called.

OR – does the PU call time and conference with the BU to make sure they are both on the same page before any calls are made?

OR – does the BU take the play that he started to the end? Does he follow the play to 3B and the PU takes the B-R?

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