Thread: Double foul
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Old Wed Nov 16, 2005, 01:17pm
JCrow JCrow is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 219

Here's Crow's Theory, men by their nature stay mentally about 17-1/2 all thru their lives. They don't change. Some older men bluff behind a false facade of experience and wisdom from age. Plus, they think that age excuses rudeness, ignorance and a bad attitude.

(For some reason, I find that Golf Course Starters are cut from this mold.)

My advice, never let an old jerk bluff you. Trust me, he was a jerk when he was young too. You vote? Pay taxes? You're as good as he is. I'm 54 and the correct way to respond in this case is to say,

"You might be right...let's check after the game to make sure."

If he's too ignorant and prideful to take this approach, you should be the one that gives him the cold shoulder.

Or, if you're like me.....mail him a copy of the Casebook Example C/0 your Assigner.

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