Thread: Double foul
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Old Wed Nov 16, 2005, 10:53am
CLAY CLAY is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2000
Posts: 179
I am in my 8th year and have a pretty good understanding of the rules. I was working with a certified official on a girls varsity contest. He had made a double foul call on the two post players the ball was live at the top of the key. Since the rule change, and correct me if I am wrong, but the call should have been the ball goes back to offense and the poss arrow does not change.

He made the call looked at the poss arrow which was pointed to the offense gave the ball to the offense and changed the arrow. I told him that was not the correct call. He response to me was. I was wrong and when I become a certified official i would have a better understanding of the rules. Now I am standing next to the head coach for the team in control of the ball listening to him yell at me for not knowing the rules. Like a good official I covered for my partner who I knew was wrong. I tried to talk to him about this at halftime, but he just walked away. It made for a interesting second half and a cold shoulder after the game.

What is the correct call.. Now this guy has me second quessing myself.

Any suggestion on how to handle this in the future?
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