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Old Tue Nov 15, 2005, 05:39am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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NO. The defenders may not break the boundary plane until the ball is released ON A THROW-IN PASS. A pass between teammates on the out-of-bounds side of the boundary is NOT a throw-in pass. Therefore, the restriction hasn't ended yet.

To make this very clear the Rules Book contains:
Rule 9, Penalty section for Article 11:
"3. If an opponent(s) of the thrower reaches through the throw-in boundary-line plane and touches or dislodges the ball while in possession of the thrower or being passed to a teammate outside the boundary line (as in 7-5-7), a technical foul shall be charged to the offender. No warning for delay required. See 10-3-11 Penalty."

In short, if you are still counting the five seconds for the throw-in count, then the defender can't break the plane yet.

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