Thread: Courtesy Runner
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Old Fri Nov 02, 2001, 09:48am
whiskers_ump whiskers_ump is offline
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Bob & Mike,

I am going to try and straighten out this mess I created on my
1st post. ASA & NFHS courtesy runner rules are same. Since 1st post I have
reviewed rules in the NFHS rule book that were not available to me previously.

In the 2001 NFHS rule book 8.5.1 would not alter my originial post. However, NFHS
did put out a change to the case book on the ruling of 8.5.1 Sit. L.- Sit L Reads -
S1 pinch hits for F1 and reaches base. S1's coach informs the
umpire that F1 is going to re-enter for S1 and then Jones will be
a CR for F1. OLD RULING: Once S1 pinch hits for F1,
the option to use a courtesy runner for F1 was lost, because S1 was
not the pitcher. The right to use a courtesy runner applies to the
pitcher and/or catcher of record.


" Page 58, 8.5.1 SITUATION L, replace the RULING with: This would be legal
as long as F1 is the pitcher of record. COMMENT: The pitcher or catcher of
record would be the player who occupied that position last on defense.
In the first half inning, it would be the player listed on the line
up card since the team has not played defense yet.

In my scenario, PH was not pitcher of record, so umpires were
wrong in allowing CR. However, just by review of a 2001 NFHS Rule
Book, you would not have known this. Neither would you have this
info if you did not have changes to the Case Book, which I did
not. Did not even have case book, thanks to my chapter, but we will
this coming year, and will surf internet to find any changes.

Thanks guys,


glen _______________________________
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