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Old Mon Nov 14, 2005, 12:53am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Rule 9, Section 1,
ART. 9 . . . A player occupying a marked lane space may not have either foot beyond the vertical plane of the outside edge of any lane boundary, or beyond the vertical plane of any edge of the space (2 inches by 36 inches) designated by a lane-space mark or beyond the vertical plane of any edge of the space (12 inches by 36 inches) designated by a neutral zone.

ART. 10 . . . The restrictions in Articles 6 through 9 apply until the ball touches the ring or backboard or until the free throw ends.

Rule 4, Section 20,
ART. 3 . . . The free throw ends when the try is successful, when it is certain the try will not be successful, when the try touches the floor or any player, or when the ball becomes dead.

Unfortunately, you booted the call that time, but good job on being able to reflect upon the game and seek to improve. Most officials wouldn't even be aware that they had missed that call. You will certainly get it right from now on.
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