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Old Sun Nov 13, 2005, 08:15pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by blindzebra
This post gets my vote for the annual "Pot Meet Kettle" award.
I think this is a little harsh.

First, remember that cv works under FIBA rules, so while it may look to us as though he got some rules or procedures wrong, it's possible that he's right and partner is wrong.

Furthermore, when a new ref is struggling to deal with a lousy, but veteran, partner, we need to give him (I think cv is a him) some leeway. He feels frustrated, since he's trying to do things right, but he's getting stomped on, not corrected gently. How can he learn from a partner who shoves him out of the way to re-report a foul to the table?

I think what you need to do, cv, is to find another ref in your area who you can talk to ahead of time about the various partners, and learn how to handle this situation in ways that are acceptable in your locale. This guy sounds like a hopeless cause. And what Chuck says is true. You gain nothing by discussing it with him. Just get in, do your best, and go home. If it's too egregious, you might think about discussing it with your assignor, but even that can be dangerous. Find a sympathetic, experienced mentor, and talk to him or her about everything you struggle with. It's the most productive use of your energy.
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