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Old Wed Nov 09, 2005, 07:47am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by debeau
The voice could very well be used as an obstruction .
A fielder comes up very close to the batter and voices obscenities or derogatory remarks and puts the batter off .
The same applies to a fielder using threatening language to a runner who backs off a base and is tagged .
A shout " get out af my way " as the runner runs to a base and startles a runner who misses a stride .
All of these could be obstruction if in the "judgement of the umpire" they think it is .
Could we go further then on the other side can we have vocal interference ?
I think we can .
I disagree. USC maybe, but not obstruction. Again, stupid is as stupid does. If a runner heeds someone other than a team mate or coach, shame on them. As an umpire, I do not expect the runner to blindly listen to my voice without confirming with the coach if there is a question.

mcrowder was the on the right track, but I just don't believe the words he offered would do it. A call of "foul" or "dead ball" from a defender would more likely fit the bill, IMO, and only if the runners actually stopped.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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