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Old Tue Nov 08, 2005, 04:18pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Well, I still can't think of a rule that definitively sez that the kid changing his shirt in the hall must be accompanied by an adult.

Does anybody else know whether the FED actually made adult accompaniment mandatory under this new changing-shirt rule- and also where I might find that ruling?
Not specific to this new rule, but this was addressed in last year's POE's. From page 70 of last year's rule book, POE 3A:

The committee is also concerned about bench personnel leaving the bench, sometimes during a live ball. Heading into the hallway to get a drink or sitting up in the stands with friends or family, even for a short period of time, are not authorized reasons unless they are medically related.
This relates to a completely different sort of situation; and I suspect that being directed to change your jersey is an "authorized reason" for leaving the bench area. However, it does emphasize Dan's concern about kids leaving the court unsupervised. FWIW.
Yup, I was aware of that directive too. I didn't see it as being applicable due to the reasoning mentioned by you---> authorized vs. unauthorized.
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