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Old Tue Nov 08, 2005, 03:22pm
splinter splinter is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 5
If one of you referee types would answer this I would greatly appreciate it.

What is an offensive player allowed to do with a forearm/arm-bar (or for that matter, with any part of the body other than using position) in order to "protect the ball"? I play in a (self-ref'd) rec league in Canada (read: an ex-pat from North Carolina playing with a lot of converted hockey players). Forearm use is constant while:

1. dribbling, "holding off" a defender with LGP who is trying to maintain position or making an attempt at a steal - Offensive player will pivot the opposite direction from the defender and extend the forearm to prevent the defender from following

2. going in for layups and "creating space"

3. and recently (hence the post) it has become fashionable to dribble down court on a fast break while leading with the forearm, looking more like a fullback than a pointguard, while under the pretense of "protecting the ball"

Please let me know if I need to elaborate. Most of the guys want to play by the rules, they are just hazy on what the rules actually are, and when there's a question I do my best to clear things up.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
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