Give Me a Ruling, Please?
Help me out here, I'm not an umpire, and we've discussed this 'round and 'round in my league...
ASA rules. Bases empty, a guy hits a double into the gap. Second baseman is crouched at the bag waiting for the throw to come in. As the runner approaches second base, the second-baseman whacks his fist into his glove in anticipation of the ball coming in to him. He doesn't move his glove towards the runner or apply a fake tag, but he whacks his fist into his glove. The runner comes in, but the shortstop cuts off the throw, so the ball never comes in to the waiting second-baseman. The umpire awarded a free base to the runner, saying the second-baseman, by whacking his glove and making a noise, was trying to deceive the runner.
Is this a good application of the rules? The runner should get a free base?
You make the call, please. Your thoughts welcome.
[Edited by ruffster22 on Nov 7th, 2005 at 05:21 PM]