Let me get this straight:
You appear to be the only umpire on (actually larger than that sampling as I cannot find one other umpire - period) that believes in FEDlandia that "BACK!" as shouted by an infielder is NOT verbal obstruction if it impacts the play.
On ALL the websites your posts on this single play have been your "windmill" that you feel needs attention.
Yet if some of us feel that the subject is a WOBW or has just about been talked about to the final degree you keep bringing it back and then blame us for not wanting to listen.
Since it is simply a FED 'rule" ignore it in your games . . . but don't try to continue to take others, that are just as wise, as good of umpires and intelligent (just like you) down this road.
A2D on the root issue.
Actually WCB, Garth's post is an accurate view of exactly what you are and how you are using this single issue as your flag ship. It certainly was not a "cheap shot" as I know Garth personally and he paid for the eduction that allows his reference.
[Edited by Tim C on Nov 6th, 2005 at 12:16 PM]