Originally posted by ThickSkin
Originally posted by hbioteach
A1 is fouled in the act of shooting. Official looks at clock :01. Horn Goes off. Do we put :01 back on the clock or clear the lane and shoot free throws and game over.
No time goes back on the clock. Rule 5.6.3 A&B. I read and read (ok, skimmed) through the case book and really the only part that shed's some light on this situation was section 5.2.5. Anyone else know if there is a play like this in the case book?
There's a good
COMMENT at the end of case book play 5.10.1SitB that relates to all timing situations:
CB 5.10.1SitB-COMMENT:
Timing mistakes which may be corrected are those which result from the timer's neglect to start or stop the clock as specified by the rules. The rules do not permit the referee to correct situations resulting in normal reaction time of the timer which results in a "lag" in stopping the clock. By interpretation, "lag" or "reaction" time is limited to one second when the official's signal is heard and/or seen clearly. One second of the "reaction" time is interpreted from the time the signal was made until the official glanced at the clock.