Thread: NFHS Questions
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Old Thu Nov 03, 2005, 03:28am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by Just Curious
Originally posted by Panda Bear

1. Can additional technicals (and therefore free throws for the other team) be assessed to someone already ejected?

2. Is there such a thing as a "team technical foul", or must they be assessed to someone, possibly leading to their disqualification & suspension?

3. Is/can/must the head coach be charged with technical fouls for individual or group infractions actually comitted by 1+ others?

1. Yes... At least for a limited amount of time... That is to say that when a player is ejected from the game, they become bench personnel and the Head Coach's responsibility. So if additional T's are assessed to this ejected player, then they are also assessed to the Head Coach.. After 3 indirect T's, the coach is history and if there's no assistant the game's over...
2. No
3. Yes.. Can..
Wow, I'm still recovering from the shock of reading this.
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