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Old Wed Nov 02, 2005, 06:26pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally posted by rwest
I want to bring this up again for clarification. If you have references and case plays to support your position, that would be helpful.

Here's the scenario.

A1 rebounds the ball at B's basket. He's confused (Hey it could happen, he's a teenager!) and puts up a shot at the wrong goal.

Situation C: A2 commits Basket Interference. Do we credit two points to B? This is offensive BI but at the wrong basket.

YES! It doesn't matter how the ball got there (over B's basket) or who put it there. If team A commits BI at B's basket, team B gets 2 points (or 3 if on a 3-point try by B).
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