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Old Wed Nov 02, 2005, 03:22pm
Warrenkicker Warrenkicker is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Wichita, KS
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Duane - It is good to hear the Bowden would have agreed with my call as well. In this situation it would have only prolonged a game by one play when it was already decided. Just another chance to get somebody injured. That actually happened a couple of years ago here in Wichita when a defender took a cheap shot on a starting QB and injured him enough that he couldn't play in the playoff game the next week.

We still haven't gotten any games. And since it is only this first week when they assign crews I don't think any of us will get a game. It's a little funny when you work so many games and many of them tell you after the game that your's was the best crew they have seen all year and you still don't get anything. Of the 15 teams we had this season 10 of them qualified including Northwest, Carroll, Wellington, Rose Hill, Conway Springs and Garden Plain. We had a great schedule but just not close games.

Almost 60% of the officials who become qualified for the playoffs get games. I would agree that last year the crew I was on fell into that 40% but not this year. We did a good job but just don't have the history that many of the other crews have. I will be very interested in finding out how many recommendations we got after the championship games.
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