Warrenkicker -
Our team had almost the exact same play 2 weeks ago. Salina Central at Topeka Seaman game with Rick Bowden (State association exec for you non-Kansans) in attendance. Pass over receivers' head near the endline, defender hits the receiver right as the ball is overhead, maybe even an instant before - our BJ has no flag. The home team fans were very vocal wanting a flag. After the game, Bowden told the crew it was a great "no-call". He did say that he thinks the rule should be changed for non-catchable passes, but he was glad we weren't "over-officiating" the game.
You could have thrown the flag on that play and probably been justified (depending on how obvious the push in the back was), but not flagging it is OK. Sounds like you got it right.
BTW - Did you guys work Tuesday night? Do you have a game Friday or Saturday? Our crew worked last night at Rossville (I was in South Dakota so they used a guy who subbed a few games for us to fill out the crew.) Haven't heard yet about Friday or Saturday.