I can't tell you what to do - but here is what I did in a similar situation:
I finished a varsity schedule on a crew that was very weak when one of their members left the area during the season. The next year I worked the full season and realized quickly they were not a very good crew. In the meantime, I worked every non-varsity game I could and got an offer to join a better crew in my 3rd year. Two seasons with them and an opportunity opened to work with one of the 2 best crews in the city. I was flattered to be asked and I took it. That was 4 years ago - I never looked back.
The first crew was upset when I left, but they have had a dozen officials come and go in the 5 years since I left them. The second crew understood completely when I left to the crew I'm on now. Any one of them would have jumped at the opportunity. (White hat worked Big 8 ball and now scouts for Big XII and NFL officials, all of the rest of the crew has years of DII experience. Some of them were working state championships before I was born.)
My advice would be to work with as many different officials as possible at a non-varsity level and you'll get an opportunity to change varsity crews. If you get an offer from a better crew, take it. Just don't be an a** about it and give the crew you're leaving plenty of time to find a replacement.
A good crew will make you better. A good crew will get better games which will also make you better.