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Old Wed Nov 02, 2005, 11:53am
l3will l3will is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: minnesota
Posts: 154
Since you joined the crew after your freshman year in college and been with the crew for two years, I guess that makes you a junior or senior in college. Guess you will be having bigger decisions coming up soon about what to do after college.

If you are 100% sure that you will be living in the same area after graduation, then changing crews becomes a reasonable question. If you could find a spot on another crew in the area, then it might be a reasonable move on your part now. Working with better officials definitely improves your skills especially if they are willing to share their experiences.

If it is likely that you won't be in the same area after college, I wouldn't switch unless I had a guaranteed spot on another crew. You are going to be switching to a new crew soon enough.

One thing to think about if you do move to another area after graduation... If the new association likes what they see, they may form a crew around you and make you the white hat. Then you get to train newer officials at the other four spots. Then raid your crew each year to stock other crews, especially if you are good at training officials.
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