I think I would have a post season dinner with my crew, you call it, be a leader. Heck, pay for it if you can afford it. Challenge your crew to improve next year. Find a camp that all five of you can attend.
Set goals/objectives for each week. Introduce them to this board and others, don't let them fall, be a leader. You are setting the standard, that is fine but make sure they follow.
After that, if next year your goals have not been achieved and your crew just did not respond, leave. Good luck.
I was in a situation in my association last year that my opportunities were not flourishing. We were late for a 1st round play off game due to the veteran official just lacking. I made the decision to move to another association and was place on a good crew. We were assigned a 1st round game for this Friday. These games are assined on a weekly basis. But my mechanics and rule philosophy has changed to make me a better official with this change.
[Edited by irefky on Nov 2nd, 2005 at 08:10 AM]