From the sounds of your post you are still pretty young, correct? Under 30? From my standpoint, I am 28, being on a reputable crew can do wonders for your ability and reputation. When you are on a better crew, you get better games, you see better ball, you sharpen your skills, you get looked at more for playoffs, you get observed more, your opportunities to move to the next level are greater, yada yada yada.
In the past four years that I've worked with the crew that I'm currently on, we've had a playoff game each of the last 3 years (playoffs haven't started yet), and last year we got two games, a quarterfinal (biggest class) and a semifinal (second biggest class). The guys on my crew have been officiating collectively for over 70 years and none of them are over 55. Two guys worked DII college for many years and the knowledge and information that they have provided me over the last few years is immeasurable. Also, working with them has gotten me into working small college ball. Without them, there's no telling where I would be now in my officiating career.
With that said, leaving can be a touchy situation. Make sure the guys in your association aren't saying these things for personal reasons, i.e. they don't like the guys on your crew. But look at the crews around you. What kind of games are you guys getting? Small schools? Rural schools? What kind of rapport do they have with coaches? Are they making an effort to improve? Have they helped you improve? What other opportunities are out there?
If something better comes along, I personally say you need to do what's best for you. Don't burn any bridges, but move on. Don't make it personal. These guys have helped you along for the past few seasons, thank them for what they've helped you with and move on. Tough decision but ultimately you have to do what is right for you.
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If you have a file you would like me to add, email me and I will get it posted.