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Old Mon Oct 31, 2005, 07:03pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by gordon30307
Typical Sox Fan. Nothing drives them crazier than the local and National following that the Cubs have.

No they don't suck I merely stated a fact. For the last two seasons the Cubs #1 and #2 pitchers have missed significant playing time. If Buerhle and Garland were gone thats 70 starts and 34 wins that need to be replaced. I don't know of many teams that can overcome that.
No, you gave away more than 40 homeruns on your corner fielders. You let your #3 Pitcher go before this season and he was in the playoffs, where were the Cubs again? You let go a guy that carried the team for years. I will give you the fact that Sosa did not have the best attitude, but you did not replace his production. You have one of the best managers in the Majors and fans want to get rid of him too. I have listened to this crap all this time I have been here and the Cubs have done nothing but complain when you have good players. You have to have a better excuse than your top two pitchers are down all the time. They have not come through when they were healthy. It is not just their injuries. Just take the fact that your organization had its shot and they blew it. Next year the Cubs will have another bad year and it will be some other excuse as to why you cannot get it done.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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