Mon Oct 31, 2005, 04:46pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 1,847
Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by Smitty
A pure evaluation system is beneficial to everyone, I think. Our association requires that pre-varsity level officials get at least 10 evaluations per season, and they can be performed by any varsity level officials. There is a standard form template used for the evaluations.
Also, varsity level officials are randomly evaluated (we don't know when someone will be in the stands doing the evaluation) one or more times per season. I found this to be extremely useful.
I think it's a great way to try and get everyone on the same page, for the most part. I was told that the evaluations have nothing at all to do with assignments. There is a separate person (or committee, I'm not sure) that administers and processes the evaluations (not our assigner).
This is a great way for the newer officials to get some constructive feedback from real game situations. Once the pre-season scrimmages and clinics are done, there's really no easy way to monitor newer officials without a consistent type of evaluation.
For the veterans, it allows some constructive criticism from some senior or retired officials.
Of course, two different evaluators may have contradicting comments on certain things, but for the most part, it's a great tool.
I agree that it's great to get evalled a couple times a year, and that it's good for the association to have a system in place. I also agree that there are some good things about our system. (Geek, Smitty and I are in the same association.) I do know for sure that not every varsity official gets evalled every year, though, and that the evals do have something to do with the assignments, at least sometimes.
I didn't believe for a second that the evals don't have anything to do with assignments, but that's what I was told. I sat with an evaluator once during a varsity game after my JV game. The guy he was evaluating was late to the game, acted like he was on drugs the whole game, and was in the stands talking to people during timeouts. It was a thing of beauty to watch this guy get evaluated.