I ran into the same situation during my game Friday night. I was filling in as BJ and WH was filling in as well. They had a play where there was a holding foul at the LOS and the play ended in a 2 yard loss. I went up to get the information about the foul and heard that they wanted to enforce it from the previous spot because the foul occurred in advance of the end of the run which was a loss. I tried very quietly to tell them that was wrong and that we should be enforcing from the end of the run. Both R and U agreed so I let it go. At half time I brought it up again and showed them the enforcement from the back of the book on page 72. That showed that during a running play the previous spot is meaningless for penalty enforcement. WH is a college deep wing official and I think he decided he would just let us enforce it properly so that he didn't confuse the enforcements with the college ones. I convinced U that I was right and when we had another hold in the backfield later in the game we enforced it correctly.
Perhaps you can ask him where his special try enforcement rules are and then explain yourself using "all-but-one."