Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by JugglingReferee
Exactly what phrase in the story, Juulie, makes the article "Not entirely off-topic" to basketball officiating?
The story and it's PDF friend have as much in common with basketball officiating as they do with underwater Caribbean basket weaving.
Janet Shibley Hyde reminds me of J. Evans Pritchard.
Wow, sorry to push your buttons, Jglar. Some of us struggle constantly with the subject of how gender affects our performance as refs, or how it affects the perception of our performance, depending on the circumstances. If you don't see that as an issue, then you're part of the problem.
btw, "The story and it's PDF friend..." is incorrect grammar -- no apostrophe is necessary in this "its".
I'm not here to take sides, but this post realy confused me...much more than my normal state of confusion anyways.
Are you agreeing or disagreeing with the article you linked? Frankly, I find it hard to imagine a scenario where a man would say what you've just said here.
Or maybe I'm just part of the problem too.