1) If F5 says "Back" or even "Get Back" to a runner it is not obstruction unless the play is altered in some way. Why is that a puzzle to you? If the runner doesn't bite, we have nothing! Please take a Xanax and read the book and ..
These are your words, not mine. You've now said what we all were saying at the begining.
By stating that unless the play is altered, there is no obstruction, implys that if the play is altered, there is obstruction. You can't have it both ways.
Your post containing the insult regarding my family lineage would get your @$$ kicked if you said it to me personally. Both of my parents died tragicly in the last couple of years. To me, that was one h@11 of a low blow.
You can call me what you want to, but leave my family out of it!
If your any kind of man, you'll apologize.