Originally posted by SanDiegoSteve
Hey Windbag,
Carl Childress has forgotten more about umpiring than you or I even know, so I tend to respect his opinions, even when I disagree with them. You, on the other hand, have no respect for others, and it really shows your lack of class.
I am not Dave in SoCal, although I have heard he's a very good official. He is in a different association, and we have never met, nor do I recall having read anything he has ever written. So, If some of our baseball related opinions are similar in nature, it is purely coincidental.
From what I understand, you were a real jerk on this board before, and got banned from here, Now you're back under a new assumed name. Good luck.
Edited to add: BTW, Windy, I am on record as not being a Fed rules fan. I think most of the rule differences are retarded, the verbal obstruction rule being one of them. But I go ahead and enforce these rules regardless of my personal feelings. Just so you don't keep misstating facts.
[Edited by SanDiegoSteve on Oct 30th, 2005 at 12:00 AM]
In case you didn't see the other post, I've apologized for confusing you and he. If that is not enough, I offer it once again...I'm sorry for accusing you of being he.
I'm not back under an assumed name any more than San Diego Steve was your birth name. I am opinionated and eloquent enough to speak my mind. I also bring many more years of umpring to the table than you can imagine. My resume has been posted here before and much to a couple of member's chagrin, actually was supported by a couple who worked with me. I'll agree that Carl has forgotten more about umpiring. The game has changed and accountability is more important than relationships. Yes, I enforce the rules, that is my biggest gripe. I just can't find that rule in the Fed book. I don't save newsletters because the rules are in the book. I have been fortunate to never have one of my calls protested. I have been witness to a partner's misfortune when he misapplied a rule in a crucial game. I can't imagine the amount of laughter when one of you would whip out a newsletter from 1988 or even 1995 to substantiate that call. All important interps make their way into the Rule and Case Books. In Illinois, we have annual Rule Interp Meetings. Powerpoint has replaced overhead transparencies but the message is the same. I have never seen that particular verbal obstruction mentioned. I have seen ones regarding "Time", "Foul", "Balk" and "Swing". Now, if it is different where you live, that's terrific. I hate the rule even more than you. If you have to call it, I can understand why. Just be sure you see the guy say it and watch the runner alter his action.
Again, sorry for the confusion. I don't expect that we'll be fast friends, but I hope you'll accept my words.