Thread: foul count
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Old Fri Oct 26, 2001, 03:19pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Re: Re: We have nothing to do with the foul count!!!!

Originally posted by williebfree
Originally posted by JRutledge

Oooops, Can't totally agree here. In the sense of diplomacy and game management, you need to understand where the coach is coming from so you can give the most diplomatic response to his "complaining."

Do not misuderstand what I mean by that statement. I am not REALLY saying that you should not care ever what coaches think. But understand that in the heat of the the battle, coaches think we all are screwing them, especially when they are losing. And yes for game management you need to be aware what coaches are saying and what they are complaing about. Doing so can avoid future problems. I just think that when they start complaining in the first quarter that they have 5 fouls and the other team has 1, we need to tune that out. Because of momentum and future events, this will change really, really quick. I have had games where one team had all the momentum and loses it by turning the ball over and not taking care of the ball or making bad shots and decisions. And the foul count was not in their favor.

Basically how far are we going to take a concern for foul count? Fouls can be 5 to 10, and the 5 had all shooting fouls. While the 10 were only non-shooting fouls (except for the bonus of course). That means Team A that had five shooting fouls could have a potential of 10 Free Throws, while Team B with 10 non-shooting fouls would only have 8 if they made all the front-end of the 1 and 1 shots. Now tell me, who has the advantage then? And what if team A wins by 1? Does it really, really matter then?

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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