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Old Sat Oct 29, 2005, 07:09pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by GarthB
I will check to verify this, but I do believe that Tim Stevens, the Washington State Head FED Clinician and rule interpreter received an email from Elliot Hopkins last year specifically instructing FED umpires to call verbal obstructino on any incident of the defense saying "back, back" to a runnner on base.

We can argue over whether or not Kyle still has a legitimate voice with FED, but Hopkins role is indisputable.

I had a discussion once with the Editor of the FED Basketball Rules book. We were discussing a somewhat controversial new basketball rule. I indicated that if I was on the committee, I would have voted against the change. She indicated that she didn't get a vote either.

So, I guess my questions are: Does Hopkins get a vote on proposed changes? Does he have the "power" to "interpret" (with the force of "law") questions that are forwarded to him?

I wouldn't be surprised if he does have this role, but I also wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't.