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Old Fri Oct 28, 2005, 02:16pm
gotblue? gotblue? is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 60
"IMHO this is the best stance there is. Head height never varies and it's not tiring. Small batters widen your stance tall batters narrow your stance."


I have just begun trying this stance/system. I am having trouble understanding what you say here about head height never varying. I am reading what follows as a recommendation to change your head height to adjust to the height of the batter by widening or narrowing your stance. When you say that your head height never varies, do you mean "for each batter"?

I had thought that you were supposed to maintain the same head height and stance width for the entire game, season, remainder of career... I have been trying to do this, and since I do LL games, I have wondered if I would do better getting wider when the smaller batters are up. Can you please clarify?

P.S., I worked the balanced stance last night (previously had been doing heel/toe), and couldn't really tell much difference. The BIG difference to me is in the rest of the system. I will continue to work with the balanced stance, however, as that is what most on here seem to be recommending.
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