I don't know if other associations have specific programs to address this, but to me the best way is by word-of-mouth from current referees. Maybe you know of a cousin, neice, nephew, etc. that was an athlete that you can talk to about being active in the game even after their playing days. Or a former teammate from when you were playing. Or a co-worker that seems into sports. That's how I became involved. Actually, it was back in my teenage days - a freind of mine got asked to help umpire a girls softball game, and he asked me to come along and help. Of course, being an umpire wasn't my motivation at that time (teenage boy, girls softball...), but I just remember the overall experience wasn't all that bad. It was a while before another friend got me hooked into softball, and eventually basketball. But having someone talk me into it was the way I got involved; I don't know if I would have done it on my own.
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