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Old Fri Oct 28, 2005, 08:02am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
Here's another point of clarification.

Carl correctly wrote that if a runner steals and the catcher throws a pop up in order to trick the runner into thinking that the ball has been hit, it is a legal play. However, if a fielder tells the runner to return or "go back", we have obstruction. If the defensive team makes a sound associated with a hit baseball we have obstruction, as well.
A GENERAL rule of thumb -- if the defense acts like the defense, the play is legal. If the defense acts like the offense ("go", "get back") or the umpire ("foul ball") it's illegal.

I used to think that was nearly a universal rule-of-thumb --- but then FED added (or added to) the "F2 throws a pop-up" play -- in the new version, F4 says, "I've got it." To me, that's "acting like the defense." To the FED, it's verbal obstruction. I think the FED is "wrong" in this ruling.