60 Minutes had Jordan on with Ed Bradley last Sunday nite. Jordan was demonstrating how to handcheck an offensive player and steer him in a desired direction.
All I ref is Youth Games down at the local YMCA.
I thought,
"Jeeez...every Coach is going to be watching this and teaching their kids to handcheck like Jordan this year."
It is amazing how much of an effect TV/the NBA has on the general understanding of the Rules. The craziest years I ever reffed were when Rodman played with the Bad Boys in Detroit. The kids would take two hands and push a rebounder out of position and look at me in disbelief when I blew the whistle. The NBA let Rodman get away with outright murder.
I for one....call cheezy handcheck fouls in the first quarter to set the tone of the game. I find if you don't, the kids escalate it until you have wrestling later.