Thread: Shoulder Push
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Old Thu Oct 27, 2005, 02:15pm
Nate1224hoops Nate1224hoops is offline
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: nate

Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by Nate1224hoops
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by Nate1224hoops
Originally posted by deecee
i do agree with you -- and that is why whenever a post player posts up and backs down a defender we ALWAYS see a player control foul. Guys stop being so literal -- sometimes I wonder if you guys actually officiate the same way you type.

I would like to see more hand checks being called when a player is driving to the basket -- or even lets start calling the 3 second call exactly on the 3 count -- maybe even T'ing up a coach as soon as he steps out of his box -- how about all the contact on rebounds -- because all that contact has to have a foul in it.

some rules of basketball dont have citations.
What your saying is what I have been trying to say for about 10 posts. Thanks. I agree, I think to many officials officiate by the book. It's impossible to do. If you call every foul that occurs then players wont play, they will shoot free throws all game. When I replied to the orginal post I stated that the rules say it's a foul, however I think its subjective. The answer I got was that someone gained an advantage from the contact; therefore, its a foul. Everyone gains an advantage from any type of contact. If we as refs are going to call the game by the book then we leave no room for subjectivity. So as Deecee states, as soon as the coach steps out of the box "T" him up. Or jockeying for positon under the glass should be a double foul. Maybe I am completely wrong.
Hey Nate, here's where you are wrong - just because an official disagrees with you does not make them a rules book official.

Here's where else you are wrong - if the players do not or can not adjust to how the game is being called then there is nothing at all wrong with shooting free throws all game. If you aint ready to make the calls that need to be made then maybe you aint ready to referee the game.
First off I didnt say that just because anyone disagrees they are a rulebook referee. Secondly, you say players must adjust to the calls, this means there has to be SUBJECTIVITY. This means that there is not consistancy to calling a game. My statement was that some refs. are rulebook refs and this is why some players struggle. You have Rulebookers and others. Those who call it straight by the book and those who take into conderation outside factors.

Also, I dont,and I am not sure about the site, appreciate you telling me what I am ready for. If you would read the entire post, I said from the outset that it is a foul. However, I choose to see a little more in the situation than the words on the page. Taking shots at posters is very low. Just dont reply to what I have to say if you cant give advice. I'd rather not hear your attitude. Thanks
I'm not giving you advice Nate, I'm giving you my opinion. And I really don't care too much if you appreciate it or not, to tell you the truth.

If your concern is whether players struggle or not with the way a particular game is being called then you are not ready to referee. If the game needs a lot of fouls called then you better be able to make them. And to hell with the players - either they adjust or they continue to hear lots of whistles.

As I said, not advice to you at all. Just my opinion.
Thanks for your opinion, but again you act as though you know me. You act as though you know if I should be allowed to officate. Again, you tell me that I am not ready to do something if its not what might DAN would do.

Your advice is taken. I APPRECIATE IT. I think highy of advice. However, you telling me what I can and cannot or should and should not do is outta line. I'm sure it violate this sites COC.
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