Thread: Shoulder Push
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Old Thu Oct 27, 2005, 02:00pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Re: Re: Re: Re: nate

Originally posted by Nate1224hoops
Also, I dont,and I am not sure about the site, appreciate you telling me what I am ready for. If you would read the entire post, I said from the outset that it is a foul. However, I choose to see a little more in the situation than the words on the page. Taking shots at posters is very low. Just dont reply to what I have to say if you cant give advice. I'd rather not hear your attitude. Thanks
No one has taken a shot at you. We gave you advice, and you disagreed with that. We pointed out why we gave the advice you did. You started talking about "rulebookers". We again disagreed with your interp of a sitch, and you think we're shooting at you?

This doesn't have to be a flame war, but you need to find a way to disagree without it getting into an insult fest. We can disagree about judgement without calling each other "rulebookers" and so on.

Some of us disagree with you. It happens. Why is that a problem?
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