Thread: Shoulder Push
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Old Thu Oct 27, 2005, 11:04am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by Nate1224hoops
I think it all in how you determine "displacing." If by displacing you mean, dropping a shoulder in just to knock a player back to gain the advantage of space so that you can get your shot off, then it is definetly a foul. If by displacing you mean pivoting into a defensive player creating enough contact to cause a defensive player to rock back on his/her heels then, to me that is not a foul. It happens a lot. I dont think it is any different than a post player backing or bumping down a defender. There are limits of course.
If the defender had LGP, the contact is illegal. And if it is enough to allow a shot that had no chance before the contact, it's a foul. Doesn't matter whether the defender is moved 2 feet or 2 inches.

In the original situation, it sounds like Tweet got it just about right. First time, no real advantage gained, contact slight. Second time, more contact, clear advantage, foul. If the coach can't see the different he needs to ask his assistant to explain it to him.
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