Thread: The Coach
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Old Thu Oct 25, 2001, 12:50pm
mick mick is offline
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Originally posted by Tim Roden

For you young officials. It is up to the first officials of the night to make sure the tape is down. If there is a freshman, JV and then Varsity being played that night. If the Varsity officials have to make sure there is tape down then someone didn't do there jobs earlier that night. Same is true with coaches boxes if your state uses them. I would deal with the issue at the 10 minute mark when your dealing with the books.
If the "X" wasn't here, most officials would say, "So, what!"
After questioning, I am going to assume the "X" was marked with a clear finish. Most U.P. here are White tape.
It's amzing how schools feel so different about certain requirements.
Couple nights ago I saw a coach using the 14' rule with regard to the coaching box... in our 6' State. He was given no reminders. In fact, at his school that coach doesn't have room for a coaching box so he sits almost all the time.


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